Quizzly: A Case Study

A market research survey engine for the healthcare community

Quizzly Login


Quizzly is a market research survey engine for the healthcare community. Clients can quickly gain sentiment from healthcare professionals internationally. A pain point for clients is the lack of screener questions to precisely target key demographics.


Quizzly would like profile its members, to create additional targeting parameters, thereby reducing the need for screener questions. Internally, the tool allows Quizzly to create a taxonomy to classify and target its members for other purposes.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

The next step in the process is to complete low fidelity wires. Here, ideas are also a flurry list, questions, and layouts. I write out user flows and think of red routes for users to quickly get where they want.

Continuous Feedback and Iterations

The Product owner and I had two daily standup meetings. Doing so allowed us to quickly iterate and “not go too far down the rabbit hole”.

Questions & Faceted Filters

At its core, Quizzly allows users to create questions to profile its users. Questions contain several overlapping properties such as specialty, group, attribute, and so on. Faceted filters allow for much greater granularity than typical filters or search.

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Question Details

In a effort to keep the MVP lean the Questions Detail page was kept to a simple table based layout. The data shows, in absolute and relative terms, how much of the panel has completed the profile question.

Quizzly: Question Details
Quizly: Create a Question

Create a Question

A wizard is the best way to compartmentalize what would otherwise be a cumbersome experience. Clients are brougt through the process in a minumum of three easy steps.

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In a effort to keep the MVP lean the Questions Detail page was kept to a simple table based layout. The data shows, in absolute and relative terms, how much of the panel has completed the profile question.

Quizzly Questions

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